Thursday, June 25, 2009

Insomnia; my folly

Recently, I've found myself to be awake at 4 through to 6am, only to decide to hop into bed at the time most people wake up. And it's killing me.

This is the third time I'm doing an all night-er to try and reset my body clock. Even eating celery is easier than this, and I really, really do not like celery.

And so now I have to spend the next twelve hours trying to stay awake while my mind is slowly shutting down and my eyelids are getting heavier. Oh joy. I'll probably end up making myself something to eat and then taking a shower.

Other than that, I'm fine. I've got a midlife crisis, speaking of which I have no idea what that means, and so everything just falls into place and I can say life is peachy. Not to mention my spiritual life needs a good permanent booster. Hopefully getting my P's will kick my mind into gear and get me going to church.

Ugh. I think I have a slouching problem, my spine must be bent in a billion ways. Great, time to visit the physio and get my xrays done.

It's truely amazing how normal I consider myself to be, but how completely un-normal I am in certain aspects. I guess it's just apart of growing up.

Gnite kids.

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